Friday, June 17, 2011

The Results Are In!

One of the things I had to mentally prepare myself for before I came here was that I was going to get bad grades in my classes. As many of you know, I have been a little bit of a fanatic for striaght A´s and it was hard to think about me failing classes here. Well have no fear, because my reputation is still intact. I mean to say that I haven´t failed anything yet since I clearly wasn´t able to keep up my straight A´s. :) Here, we are graded from one to ten with ten being the best and one being the worst. You might find it interesting to know that it is impossible to get a zero. If I turned my test in blank, well what do you know? I got one point! I don´t quite understand the logic behind it but for all I know there might not be any! :) I have a total of twelve classes and the beginning of June was the end of our first trimester. That means report cards! So here is the general outline of my grade update:

Lengua y Literatura II - 8.80
Lengua Extranjera: Ingles II - 10
Matemática II - 9.75
Educación Física II - 9.60
Biología I - 8.50
Geografía I - 9.33
Derecho I - 8
Teoría y Gestión de las Organizaciones II - 7.50
Sistemas de Información Contable I - 8.50
Economía II - 8.25
Tecnología de la Información II - 10
Catequesis II - 9

Incase that you can´t read Spanish or are to lazy to look the words up, here is the list of classes in English:

English (Foreign Language)
Human Biology
Theory and Management of Organizations
Computer Excel

So in general I would say I am doing amazing for having taken all of these in Spanish! Of course, I studied my butt off and spent lots of time translating all of my notes. Now though that I have proven that I can recieve good grades, I think I am going to take a little break. :) Starting with the Teory and Management test that I took today which I only spent an hour studying for... Yeah.... it may seem like a lot but when it is in Spanish that is just enough time to translate it all into English and read it over once. So I can´t not study completelly but I sure didn´t study enough to get a good grade! There is something in my blood that just makes me start to have a nervious breakdown at the thought of a failing grade. Which is why I am determined to get one here. :) What better place to get more relaxed than when my grades don´t mean anything? And this way, when I come back and start college I will have had a year off of studying hard and have saved all of my energy for getting good grades when it counts! If you think about it, it really makes sense. Why push myself to spend my time studying when I could be hanging out with my family or friends? The first trimester here I spent HOURS each day studying, translating, and reading all of my notes. I could have taken that time to explore my city or play a board game with my sisters. I have got six more years of college to do all the studying I want. :) But I am only in Argentina for one year! I deffinetelly think I should live it up as much as possible even if that means having to get mediocor (I really have no idea how to spell that!) to failing grades. Don´t you agree? :) Yep, I knew you would.

1 comment:

  1. dude i seriously cant wait to be you next year hah... like i get fairly good grades here... (not straight As... more like As/Bs)... but next year when i do afs... im totally slacking because they wont count haha
