Monday, February 28, 2011

My School and My Stomach

Hola my friends. It is wonderful to write to you again. Hopefully, you are all dedicated to checking my blog every single minute. :) It is fun to think about you reading this from all the way accross the world. Any ways, since I wrote yesterday a lot (well really a little) has happened. Yesterday I felt fine until I went to bed. Then, with all the changes from Washington (86 degrees, don´t eat dinner until 10, the water, the food, and the language) I guess my body just didn´t like it very much. It would be imposible to pin point what excactly caused me to be sick, I just hope that it continues to go away as it is doing now. So last night I got very little sleep because my stomach hurt, but eventually I did fall asleep and slept for a couple hours very well. Then, this morning was my first day of school. Elsa (my mama) told me that if I wanted to I could just go for the ceremony that was like a welcoming every one back. I still felt horrible but I really wanted to go so I did. From what I have seen of the school, I love it. The teachers are nice and some girls who are in my class invited me to come talk with them and stand with them until the ceremony started. Although I couldn´t talk much because of the language barrier, it was the thought that counted. After the ceremony was over, Sophia took me back home. There I did the wonderful and got to experience throwing up in another country. Let me tell you, it isn´t any better than when I was back home. Since then, I have been trying to keep up my liquids. They bought me bottled water because at first many kids can get sick because it is a slight change in water. I am feeling better, but I am still not comfortable to the stability of my stomach. This evening we are supposed to go shopping for parts of my uniform that I am missing but I am not sure I am ready for the walking and standing that intales. I guess I will just have to feel it out. Depending on how I feel tonight, I might also choose not to go to school tommorow. It is hard for me to miss school but then again, I won´t understand hardly anything even if I do go!! If I understood correctly (remember that I am told all this in Spanish) my classes begin at 8 and end at 1. Then I come home and my family eats lunch together. Right now, I am enrolled as some one who is going to go into economics. That means that half of my 10 (?) clases are based on economy. I don´t know much about economy but I guess this is as good a time to learn as any!


  1. oh Jenica, so sorry you're not feeling well. Yep, I remember getting sick in Mexico, throwing up is throwing up regardless of what country you are in:) SOunds like you are being well taken care of though. Yay! Love reading about your adventures so far. And, so happy you have made it safe and sound. OXOXoxox

  2. Thanks Elaine. I had forgotten about you guys getting sick in Mexico. I seem to be doing better, but today of all days I happen to get my period. Great... I send my love from across the world. And I have my quilt in my bed every night!!
