Friday, April 8, 2011

Shopping And Many Other Adventures

I always seem to get online only to want to talk about how busy my life has been. I have activities all the time and am tired a lot but don´t be fooled. I also have down times. For example, today I was so tired after P.E. that I came home and slept from 7 to 9. Till nine! I didn´t intend on sleeping. I was going to go to my bed, read for a little while, and then do some laundry but I got to thinking and then before I knew it, I was sleeping like a log. But I did do a lot of things this week that I would like to talk about. :) Monday was my sister´s and grandpa´s birthday back in the U.S. Although I wasn´t there to celebrate it with them, it was my friend Mari´s birthday here and, in the Argentina way, we went to McDonalds to celebrate. I got to talk to my sister on Wednesday and I chatted with my grandpa on Tuesday. It was nice to be able to wish them happy birthday even if a little late. I also got to go SHOPPING! On Wednesday, I asked my mama if I could take the bus to the center and spend a couple hours shopping. I left at about five but I didn´t end up getting into town until almost 6 because the bus went by right before I could get there. Since I was on my own, my mama said that I needed to be back home by eight because that´s when it gets dark. I spend two hours exploring places, wondering, and doing a little long awaited shopping. I am so excited about the clothes here. I have realized that although my clothes are acceptible, they aren´t quite up to the standers of Argentinian parties. People tend to dress more on the fancy end and my Seven Loaves t-shirt doesn´t really fit. :) I only bought a couple things that day but now I know what I am looking for next time. And the clothes here are really cheap. That and almost everything else. I have noticed here that since girls can´t wear big earings at school, almost all of them wear these fake pearl bead earings. I figured I would pick myself up a pair as well since all of my earings are rather large and it is a bummer when I can´t wear any of them at school. Now you can find me with my pearl earings like everyone else. It is fun to begin to notice social patterns here. It makes me wonder what kind of patterns there are back in Washington that I just never noticed because I thought it was normal. Hmmm.... This weekend I have AFS activities. It is the Difunta Correa weekend where "cowboys" come from all over to give thanks to here. Today, the exchange students attended a parade like event where we sent of the cowboys off on their treck to the Difunta Correa. They ride their horses from today until when they arrive tomorrow in the near by city. We will leave tomorrow morning and drive to Difunta Correa where we will meet them as they arrive. Just another busy weekend in Argentina. Unfortuntelly, it will also be filled with studying for tests. These classes here are big on tests. I am keeping a record of my scores and am planning on making a list at the end of next week to display my magnificent (or not) first grades for my classes. Don´t worry, I haven´t failed a class yet but some of my scores have come awfully close and I still atleast five more next week!!

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